Tuna Bake
Ingredients –
1 Tin Tuna In oil
½ teaspoon garlic
1 onion
1 Tin Corn
1cup cheese
White Sauce –
1 lt milk
2 dessert spoons butter
Salt @ pepper
Melt these three together in the pan with mustard
Method –
Mix 3 heaped dessert spoons of either Corn Flour or Rice Flour; With ¼ cup milk, place in melted butter mixture. Then slowly pour in the rest of the milk and heat till thickened Put the drained Tuna, Cheese, Corn, sliced onion, garlic s@p in the Mixture mix together and place in Oven Dish, Put some grated cheese on top and cook at 180 degrees until brown.
This is a quick and easy dish to make, and very filling. The kids will love it